Sunday, January 31, 2016

War Powers Unlimited Global Marshall Law

ALERT: War Powers Unlimited Global Marshall Law

They are trying to slide one right under our noses at the LAST MINUTE AGAIN, See: AUMF (S.J. Res. 29), being BILL being FAST TRACKED.

Senator Murphy Delivers Remarks
on Flawed Republican AUMF Against ISIS

DID YOU HEAR WHAT SENATOR MURPHY SAID? The transfer of unbridled powers to conduct WAR ANY WERE (even here) and with NO LIMIT of FUNDS, etc. etc.: To Neuter Congressional Authority and Constitutional Procedures of Congress in both areas Of the Power Of the Purse and To Declare War??? What Madness: All to ONE Man?

ONLY FAST ACTION CAN SAVE THE DAY: Share this and TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION. Only Americans can save America now. Immediate action on your part is of the utmost importance. Kindly see below:

  1. Take action and email your local U.S. Congressman or Congresswoman and Senators.
  2. To do so, find your local congressman's or congresswoman's web site and click on Contact.
  3. Provide the article link in that request (a sample of one is below).

Congressman (woman) and/or Senator:
URGENT Action Please: It has come to my attention that AUMF (S.J. Res. 29) as addressed by Senator Murphy’s Remarks on Flawed Republican AUMF Verbiage Against War on ISIS as introduced at the 11th hour before weekend break.

DID YOU HEAR WHAT SENATOR MURPHY SAID? The transfer of unbridled powers to conduct WAR ANY WERE (even here) and with NO LIMIT of FUNDS, etc. etc.: To Neuter Congressional Authority and Constitutional Procedures of Congress in both areas Of the Power Of the Purse and To Declare War??? What Madness: All to ONE Man?

Kindly note: WE the People (all Americans) the Russians and others around the Globe are well aware of how and who created ISIS and was trained by and funded by, therefore such madness shall cease immediately.

WHEREAS, It is time to Impeach for high crimes and misdemeanors with Proper Articles of Impeachment, Treason and Misprision of Treason, see: Exhibits: Video and verbal admissions as witnessed by many Americans, Congress and Senate, as broadcasted by National News Media, with link for Proper Articles of Impeachment.

THEREFORE, Reject at all costs AUMF (S.J. Res. 29) and perform your duty to support immediately Proper Articles of Impeachment sponsored by Congressman David Agema, R-Michigan.

Sincerely yours, (name)

Alert! U.S. Bill:
Declaration of International Martial Law (S.J. Res. 29)

How to sign-up for

Search, track and receive notices:

Do you really think it is past time to Impeach, if so you’re immediate support is needed and it is your duty as a U.S. Citizen: See, Impeachment, Treason and Misprision of Treason.

Thank you for visiting and kindly do share, bookmark, and do follow for there is much more to come in these trying times: After all if God is with you, who or what can prevail? Fear not that which can kill the body but fear that which can destroy the soul, Ps. 139.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Truth behind BLM Land Grabs

It’s an open book and reads like a horror story for property owners, ranchers, farmers, herders, miners, loggers and others while exposing both the political corruption and illegal acts and actions of various agencies in the background especially with the BLM’s land grabs in the last few years.

One BLM Whistleblower best describes it in a video below as some one like the Reid Family Trust (Harry Reid, Senator) wanting to control strategic minerals for the making of rocket fuel, allegedly for the Military Industrial Complex or a Solar Complex by the Chinese, you judge.

BLM Whistleblower: Reid Bunkerville and
the Military Industrial Complex at Bundy Ranch, April 2014

Following the Money:

What exactly is going on really needs to be investigated with the proper authority including and not limited to a possible Congressional Investigation whereas such other political elites are implied including a Clinton Foundation Donation of 2.35 million dollar deal with the Russians Uranium One meanwhile Hillary Clinton approves the deal as Secretary of State, U.S. State Department as reported by the New York Times and now a real time potential of another massacre of U.S. Citizens is currently unfolding.


"Lou Dobbs said it well when he shamed the media for not reporting the true facts on the events taking place in Oregon. They would rather debate on whether Obama’s tears were real or from an onion as he tries to take our guns away.  Well, where are his tears for the children that were at the refuge that he ordered the FBI to go in and blast away?  Where are the tears for those children Obama? While the debate of tears continues, a real trail of tears is taking place in Oregon.  People getting pushed off their land just like the Cherokee were pushed when the government decided they wanted it."

Obama Signs Executive Order
To Legalize BLM's Land Grabs

BLM Land Grab reaching
new heights along the Red River in Texas.

Red River LAND GRAB:
Texas Governor Tells BLM to Get Out of the State

The Red River Land Grab is another corrupt political hack-job to intimidate and steal land from U.S. Citizens for minerals allegedly, whereas I personally know of some.

Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders
We Will NOT Obey

Do you really think it is past time to Impeach, if so you’re immediate support is needed and it is your duty as a U.S. Citizen: See, Impeachment, Treason and Misprision of Treason.

Thank you for visiting and kindly do share, bookmark, and do follow for there is much more to come in these trying times: After all if God is with you, who or what can prevail? Fear not that which can kill the body but fear that which can destroy the soul, Ps. 139.

Stealth Jihad and Shariah in American

It is sad to think just in the last three years what we have seen in the Middle East including The Burden of Damascus as prophesied, just like locust with breastplates of fire (suicide vests), etc. etc. aforewritten.

“The secular elites are so terrified of telling the truth about radical Islam. When you talk about the radical Islamists, we have got to get straight and get serious and talk about it in the right way.” By, Newt Gingrich

Political Correctness: The strong delusion so that they should believe a lie. Woe unto them that give light to darkness and darkness to light: In that day they will call good bad and bad good, 1984. Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil.

Infiltration of Shariah in the USA.

Learn the Enemy Threat Doctrine 
An Islamic Caliphate in 7 Steps of Conquest

1st Phase: 2000-2003 – “the awakening”
2nd Phase: 2003-2006 – “Opening Eyes”
3rd Phase: 2007-2010 – “Arising & Stand Up”
4th Phase: 2010-2013 – Collapse of hated Arab governments
5th Phase -- 2013-2016 – Declaration of the Caliphate
6th Phase – 2016 onwards – “Total Confrontation”
7th Phase – “Definitive Victory”

Muslim Brotherhood's plan & Obama connection exposed

Educate Yourself and Know thy Enemy: The Star that fell from heaven is a stone of darkness and idol worship, aforewritten, (the burden of the desert of the sea) and on the flag of Illinois. The Fox is in the Hen House: A Supremacist, Genocidal Ideology every man with a sword in their hand, magormissabib.

TrentoVision - 7.25.13 - CLARE LOPEZ -
Muslim Brothers in the White House! – Former CIA

Stealth Jihad From Our Own Administration

  • Civilization jihad, insert themselves into political and administrative positions.
  • See:  Alien and Sedition Acts.

    "Radical Islamic terrorism came into effect even more so than it has been in the past. People like what I say. People respect what I say. And we've opened up a very big discussion that needed to be opened up.”
    By, Donald J. Trump

FBI Counter-Terrorism Expert
Insists America Faces "Stealth Jihad" #N3

Jesus reveals himself in the Qur'an to a Muslim man

Also see: Muslims see Jesus (Yeshua) in dreams & visions. 

As predestined: Where do you stand?

Thank you for visiting and kindly do share, bookmark, and do follow for there is much more to come in these trying times: After all if God is with you, who or what can prevail? Fear not that which can kill the body but fear that which can destroy the soul, Ps. 139.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Impeachment, Treason and Misprision of Treason

Son of man dig a hole in the wall and behold the wicked abominations they do here, for they say he seeth us not, the Lord (God) hath forsaken the earth.

Obama Is Going To Be Removed For High Treason

4-Star Admiral Accuses Barack Obama Of Treason
Published on Apr 26, 2015
Retired Admiral James Lyons, former Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet

Impeach Obama 2015 Treason, Felony Document Fraud, etc.
Stephen Pidgeon Articles of Impeachment - July 13, 2015
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, North American Law Center, presents the Articles of Impeachment for Barack Hussein Obama

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

2016 Obama plans to take America down

"Breaking News” Obama Purchased $4.5 Million Home In UAE,
And Wants To Be Secretary Of UN

SHOCKING EXCLUSIVE! Zullo CIA informant reveals
how Gov't could destroy YOU!






Kindly visit and support: "Proper Articles of Impeachment".

Join the National Liberty Alliance, your future is at sake.

Thank you for visiting and kindly do share, bookmark, and do follow for there is much more to come in these trying times: After all if God is with you, who or what can prevail? Fear not that which can kill the body but fear that which can destroy the soul, Ps. 139.

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Burden of The Desert of The Sea

What shall the Saw say to the hand that shakes it?

What shall the Axe say to the arm that yields it?

Saudi Arabia's Perfect Storm ... foretold in Bible Prophecy !!!

All for a Qatar Gas Pipeline through Syria?

Thank you for visiting and kindly do share, bookmark, and do follow for there is much more to come in these trying times: After all if God is with you, who or what can prevail? Fear not that which can kill the body but fear that which can destroy the soul. The burden of the desert of the sea.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Eternal Document, 1776

Where God is there is Liberty!

The following is a condensation of an article which appeared in the February, 1943, issue of Horizon, a Manly P. Hall publication:

An old book of Colonial Speeches states that on July 4, 1776, as the leaders were debating the question of signing the Eternal Document, a voice was suddenly heard in their midst. A stranger stood among them, a slender man with deep-set eyes and a strange look on his face. The doors were all locked and no one had seen him enter.

As the debating continued, the unknown man was heard to say: “They may stretch our necks on all the gibbets in the land, they may turn every rock into a scaffold, every tree into a gallows, every home into a grave, yet the words of that Parchment can never die. They may pour our blood on a thousand scaffolds and yet from every drop that dyes the axe, a new champion of freedom will spring into birth. That Declaration will live long after our bones are dust. To the mechanic in his workshop they will speak hope, to the slave in the mines, freedom. Methings I see the Recording Angel come trembling to the Throne to speak his dread message: ‘Father, the old world is baptized in blood, man trodden beneath the oppressors feet, nations lost in blood, murder and superstition walking hand in hand over graves of the victims’. Then the voice of God speaks: ‘Tell my people, the poor and oppressed, to go out from the Old World and build my altar in the New’. My friends I believe that to be His Voice. Were my soul trembling on the brink of Eternity, I would with the last impulse of that soul implore you to remember this Truth, God has given America to be free. I would beg you with my last faint whisper, to sign that Parchment for the sake of those millions who look to you for the words: ‘You are Free’.”

  • That was the speech that signed the Declaration of Independence.

  • Thus it was that this Immortal Document came into being.

  • Thus it was that under divine guidance the new America nation was born, and a new light set upon a hill, a light that will shine ever brighter and brighter until the dawning of the Perfect Day.

As the Journal of the Continental Congress reports that in the late afternoon of July 4th, 1776, John Hancock, he of the bold signature, was seated before his plain mahogany desk, in the room in which were arranged in a semi-circle the Congressional delegates. The time had arrived for final action. The Congress recognized that the life and perpetuity of their country depended upon Union. Thus simply was the Declaration adoption of the famed document was first proclaimed publicly.

“Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” These words uttered by the Supreme Emancipator may well be applied to these fifty-six noble and self-sacrificing men who jeopardized their all, even life itself, that America might have the opportunity to become in very truth, the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Life, reputation, worldly estate were all cast upon the waters of chance in this heroic gamble with apparently almost undefeatable odds. Infuriated and hostile mobs pillaged and burned the homes of some of the signers. The families of others were driven into exile. England had a price upon the head of every man assembled in that momentous gathering. There was no glory awaiting the placing of a signature upon that now celebrated parchment. Fame, honor and recognition were to come later. Theirs was the portion of the always unappreciated pioneer-persecution, enmity and loss of life in case the Revolution failed.

In the Eternal Scrolls these fifty-six names will always remain indelibly imprinted and will grow increasingly luminous with the passing generations, as evidence of the immortal and unquenchable flame of liberty which was the birthright of a nation and which still shines in attestation to the ideals upon which this country was conceived and founded and upon which it will endure unto the end of time.

Reference: Pages 69 and 70, America’s Invisible Guidance by Corinne Heline

Sons of Liberty

Join the National Liberty Alliance, your future is at sake.

Thank you for visiting and kindly do share, bookmark, and do follow for there is much more to come in these trying times: After all if God is with you, who or what can prevail? Fear not that which can kill the body but fear that which can destroy the soul. "Give me Liberty or give me Death", by Patrick Henry, March 23rd 1775.